The book, RENEWING YOUR MIND IN A MINDLESS WORLD – Learning to Think and Act Biblically, is an excellent exposition of Romans 12:1-2 by James Montgomery Boice.
“We live in mindless times, days in which millions of people are drifting along through life, manipulated by the mass media, particularly television, and hardly know it.” “Even Christians are unaware of thinking and living other than that of the secular culture that surrounds them. “
Dr Boice goes on to exegete Rom. 12:1-2 phrase by phrase. Each chapter deals with a different phrase from this passage. I found this book to be very challenging to me personally. The importance and necessity of dying to myself so that I might live and offer my body as a living sacrifice and how to do that biblically. This sacrifice is to be holy and pleasing to God in view of His mercy. Also how that “reasonable service” makes sense. There were an excellent couple of chapters on the pattern of this age and its emphasis on such things as secularism, humanism, materialism, etc., portraying the total mindlessness of it all. The last few chapters were excellent in showing the importance of thinking “Christianly” by the renewing of our mind so that we might be obedient to God’s perfect, good and pleasing will.
If you want a book that will challenge your thinking and living, this book is for you. I highly recommend this book by an excellent expositor of the Word.