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Being a Dad Who Leads By John MacArthur

being a dad who leadsBeing a husband and a father is filled with successes and difficulties, from great conversations about life and godliness to the discouragements of anger, favoritism, or neglect. We are thankful the Bible is not silent about how to lead our families as parents. In fact, in Being a Dad Who Leads, John MacArthur encourages fathers to lead according to God’s pattern for leadership from the key passages of Scripture. “The only way to be a dad who leads well is to be a dad who lives well.” In order to help us “bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord,” MacArthur encourages fathers to live godly lives and addresses not exasperating your children, teaching wise counsel, the lessons every parent should teach their children, teaching by correction and instruction, loving rebellious children, the model of sacrifice, and being a strong dad of faith and courage. As a father, let this be your desire: “I want to give them my best, laying a solid foundation and sowing as many seeds as possible.” Read this book as a valuable manual for parenting your children with a solid foundation of Christ Jesus.