Matthew 2:19-23
1. The Obedient Return to Nazareth
2. The Clear Fulfillment of Prophecy
. A. Foretold by ‘Prophets’ not a specific ‘prophet’
. B. Nazareth is a synonym for someone despised and rejected – a slur
. 1) ‘Inferior’ racially, geographically, politically, economically, culturally, linguistically, religiously
. John 7:40, 50-52; John 1:45-46
. 2) They will recognize the Messiah because He is going to be insulted, hated, derided, ridiculed
. Psalm 22:1, 6-8, 16-18, Psalm 69:4, 8-9, 20-21; Isaiah 49:7, 50:6, 52:14, 53:2-3