We exist to display God's glory, declare God's truth, delight in God's Son, and disciple God's people

Day 1 – Monday- Redemption



Study the following passages and notice where they address the issue of redemption and what they say about the redeeming work of Christ for us:

Matthew 20:28

Galatians 3:13

1 Timothy 2:6

Titus 2:14

1 Peter 1:18-19

Revelation 5:9


The word “redemption” refers to paying a price to purchase something. Specifically, it refers to a ransom being paid in order to secure the release of someone or something. As sinners, we were those held in bondage to and captive by the cords of our sin. We were those who were consigned to a state of bondage under the power and penalty of sin. Our sin enslaved us and served as a cruel master. Our slavery to sin was such that we could not free ourselves or do anything to bring about our own release without the intervention of another Person.

That Person is none other than Jesus Christ who paid the price which we could not pay. Jesus purchased our release from sin and death and hell by shedding His blood and giving His life in the place of sinners. He paid the ransom price to redeem us from slavery to sin. This is not to suggest that Satan had to be paid off to release sinners from their captivity. Rather, the ransom is offered to God to satisfy His justice and wrath against our sin. The focus is not so much on who gets the payment, but rather that Christ’s sacrifice was a payment as He subjected Himself to the divine punishment for sin on our behalf. Because of His sacrifice, we have been redeemed and set free from the chains which once held us. He chose to redeem us at the expense of His own life!


Consider the following questions:

  1. What does Titus 2:14 indicate Jesus redeemed you from?
  2. What does Titus 2:14 indicate Jesus redeemed you for?
  3. What does 1 Peter 1:18-19 say Jesus redeemed you with?
  4. How should this truth affect how you live and think today?


Thank Christ for redeeming you from the curse you were once under and ask Him to help you meditate on the truth of your redemption today.

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