We exist to display God's glory, declare God's truth, delight in God's Son, and disciple God's people

Jesus – The Originator of a New And Better Way

Matthew 9:14-17
1.  The Probing Question About Christ’s Practice – Vs. 14
.           Acts 19:1-4, Matthew 11:18
.       Fasting: Private, Voluntary, Occasional, for a Spiritual Purpose (trials, hardship, difficulties, sin)
.       Only 1 mention of  Jesus fasting: Matthew 4:2, but probably also Day of Atonement (Leviticus 23:26-28)
2.  The Insightful Clarification About Christ’s Presence – Vs. 15
.       John the Baptist – John 3:28-30, Hosea 2:20, Isaiah 62:5
.            Fasting resumed – Acts, 13:3, 14:23
3.  The Vivid Illustrations About Christ’s Preeminence – Vss. 16-17

Jesus’ ways were totally incompatible with their ritualistic system of Rabbinic Judaism
Matthew 5:17