We exist to display God's glory, declare God's truth, delight in God's Son, and disciple God's people

A Hard Road Ahead – Part 1

We are not in a ‘culture war’ – we are in a spiritual war
Jesus did not come to redeem ‘culture’
He came to redeem sinners

Six Markers That Characterize The Hard Road Ahead For True Disciples
1.  The Danger Of The Task – Vs. 16
.                Luke 10:3, Matthew 5:10-12, Acts 14:22, 2 Timothy 3:12
2.  The Scope Of The Opposition – Ephesians 6:12
.        A.  Apostate Religion – Vs 17
.                Acts 5:17-18, Revelation 17:4-6
.        B.  Pagan Government – Vs. 18
.                In Acts: Paul before Felix, Festus and Agrippa
3.  The Help From The Spirit – Vss 19-20
.               Acts 4:1-13, 17-20, 29-31