We exist to display God's glory, declare God's truth, delight in God's Son, and disciple God's people

Jesus Superior to Satan

Matthew 12:22-29

Indifference is a heinous form of unbelief

  1.  The Miraculous Healing – Vs. 22
    . .    Demons (Fallen Angels) – Job 38:7, Revelation 12:4, 9:1-11; 2 Peter 2:4, Jude 6 (Genesis 6)
  2.   The Astonished Crowds – Vs. 23
  3.   The Offended Leaders – Vs. 24
    .      Matthew 9:32-34
  4.   The Brilliant Response – Vss. 25-29
    .     Omniscience – John 1:47-48, 2:23-25; Proverbs 5:21, Hebrews 4:13
    .             Counter-Arguments
    .                A.  Division – Fs. 25-26
    .                B.  Your Sons – Vs. 27
    .                            Acts 19:13-14
    .                C.  A Strong Man Now Under Attack – Vs. 28-29