We exist to display God's glory, declare God's truth, delight in God's Son, and disciple God's people

The Parables of the Kingdom of Heaven

Matthew 13:1-3a, 10-17

In Chapter 12, the Jewish leaders officially reject Christ. 
From this point forward He only speaks in parables – Vs. 34

  I.  The Proclamation Of Parables – Vs. 1-3
.              Vs. 24, 31, 33, 44, 45, 47
II.  The Purpose Of Parables – Vss.  10-17
.        A.  To Reveal Truth – Vss. 11-12
.            .     Mystery: A biblical mystery is something that was previously unknown
.            .         That there would be a kingdom was clear in the Old Testament
.            .            The Coming King: Daniel 2:44, Ezekiel 37:24
.            .            The Coming Kingdom (Davidic Covenant): 2 Samuel 7:13-16, Isaiah 9:6-7, Zechariah 14:9
.            .      The mystery is the gap between the first and second coming – the Church age
.        B.  To Conceal Truth – Vss. 11-12
.        C.  To Fulfill Prophecy
.            .       Judgment – Vss. 14-15  (Isaiah 6:9-10)
.            .       Blessing – Vss. 16-17