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William TyndaleBy Bruce and Becky Fish

The Protestant Reformation which occurred 500 years ago was the result of a number of key figures in church history. One of the most significant was William Tyndale who began to understand the need for the people to have the Bible in their own language so that they could see the truth for themselves, directly from the Word of God. As a result, he dedicated his life to creating a Bible in vernacular English, so readable and accurate that a common Englishman could read it and know God through it. Shockingly, such an idea was anathema to the Roman Catholic Church which sought to put a stop to his efforts. After translating the entire New Testament and the first five books of the Old Testament into English, Tyndale was betrayed, arrested, imprisoned and condemned as a heretic. A year later, he was bound to the stake, strangled with the chain around his neck, and his body was burned to ashes. Despite his death, his work became the basis for our English Bible and paved the way for the common person to possess a copy of God’s Word. Read about his life and you will never hold the Bible in your hands the same way!