We exist to display God's glory, declare God's truth, delight in God's Son, and disciple God's people

How to Walk into Church

how to alk into churchHow to Walk into Church. By Tony Payne

Think about those Sundays where we came into a morning worship service expecting to be served, hoping we won’t have to talk with anyone, hoping we get our favorite seat, or coming in late and rushed and stressed from an awful morning. Maybe we don’t always think to pray for the people we are about to fellowship with, or maybe our worship isn’t as God-centered as it ought to be.

Tony Payne, author of The Trellis and the Vine, offers this short and helpful book, How to Walk into Church for this very issue of how we “go to church” and why we are there.

This short book is so helpful in guiding us through why we go to church, what church is for, and how we need to prepare for gathering together each week to worship, pray, learn, encourage, serve, and love. The outline of the book includes the nuts and bolts of what church is all about, what to do in preparation for church, what to do while we are there, and how we continue what we started even after we leave. It is clear, practical, and challenging and I hope you’ll take an hour or so to read it!


Review submitted by Pastor Kurt Bekins