We exist to display God's glory, declare God's truth, delight in God's Son, and disciple God's people

Posts by jimk (Page 2)

Counseling Philosophy and Strategy

Our Presuppositions

The following are presuppositions that drive us to be purposeful and intentional in counseling that is thoroughly biblical in both doctrine and practice at Maranatha Bible Church. It is these assumptions that compel us to action in our counseling efforts.

Contending for Our AllBy John Piper

This is Book four in The Swans are not Silent series. This book contains mini-biographies of 3 of our early church fathers. These 3 are Athanasius, John Owen, and J. Gresham Machen. All of these defended Truth and treasured Christ in their lives. Athanasius devoted his life to defending the deity of Christ. The great enemy was the Arian heresy. Arianism stated…

Baptism and Church Membership



Recently the elders of MBC have been wrestling with the issue of whether or not members of Maranatha should be baptized by immersion in order to be received as members. Prior to this, baptism has not been a requirement for church membership at Maranatha. However, as the elders wrestled with this issue, we came to the conclusion that this should be necessary for becoming a member at MBC. As we have discussed this issue, we have concluded that believer’s baptism and church membership should not be separated as if they were two unrelated events, rather, they are intimately connected with believer’s baptism serving as a necessary prerequisite for church membership. The following is a defense of this position.

Secret Keeper: The Delicate Power of ModestyBy Dannah Gresh

It’s summer. Time for blue jeans, winter coats, and sweaters to go away and shorts, t-shirts, and skirts to come out. Unfortunately, often little thought goes into what we wear except what “looks good” or is “the latest style.” In today’s culture, there are virtually no secrets when it comes to modesty and keeping hidden what should be hidden. Almost anything goes.…

The Passion of Jesus Christby John Piper

Have you ever wondered what words like propitiation, justification, and other words concerning salvation mean? Have you wondered why Christ had to suffer and die for your sins? John Piper has taken the time to answer these questions and a few more in this wonderful book. Not only does he take these long theological words and put a meaning to them, he…

Humility: True Greatnessby C. J. Mahaney

It’s been said that believers are most like Christ when they are humble. If that’s true (and it probably is), then humility is the quality believers should zealously pursue in their quest for Christlikeness. Yet, because of indwelling pride and selfishness, this pursuit of humility is a daily battle and one that must be waged relentlessly. To aid us in this battle,…