We exist to display God's glory, declare God's truth, delight in God's Son, and disciple God's people

Blog (Page 4)

The Gospel According to JesusBy John MacArthur

What is genuine faith and how do you know if someone has it? This question is one of the most important questions we could ever ask of ourselves and one which we need to be well equipped to answer when dealing with others. Perhaps no other book deals better with this issue than John MacArthur’s book The Gospel According to Jesus. In…

Stop Dating the Church: Fall in Love with the Family of GodBy Joshua Harris

Do you have a passion for the church? Not just the universal church but the local church? Are you committed to MBC the way God intends? Unfortunately, many Christians today attend church but don’t possess a passionate commitment to Christ’s body. While they go to church periodically, they are only half-heartedly committed to it and are not truly invested into the life…

The Knowledge of the HolyBy A.W. Tozer

Someone has said that nothing changes a human being faster than a deeper understanding of who God is. It’s true! Our lives are simply the outworking of what we conceive God to be like. Thus, to live rightly, we must think about who God is rightly. A.W. Tozer captured the essence of this thought when he famously wrote in The Knowledge of…

William TyndaleBy Bruce and Becky Fish

The Protestant Reformation which occurred 500 years ago was the result of a number of key figures in church history. One of the most significant was William Tyndale who began to understand the need for the people to have the Bible in their own language so that they could see the truth for themselves, directly from the Word of God. As a…

If God is GoodBy Randy Alcorn

Atheists frequently deny the existence of God citing the world’s injustice, pain and suffering. They use standards of good and evil – justice – that can only come from God to argue that there is no God. One of the great paradoxes of suffering is that those who haven’t suffered much allow the suffering of others to turn them away from God;…

The Spiritual Secret of Hudson TaylorBy Dr. and Mrs. Howard Taylor

Summer is a great time for reading Christian biographies. To that end, let me commend to you Hudson Taylor’s Spiritual Secret, a biography which will challenge you to trust God wholly and to not waver in your faith in Him. Following his conversion, Hudson Taylor traveled to China as a pioneer missionary. There he endured tribulation, hardship, poverty, frustrations, and misunderstandings. Despite…

Seeking God: How to Develop an Intimate, Spiritual RelationshipBy Richard Mayhue

It was Augustine who wrote, “There is a God-shaped vacuum in every man that only Christ can fill.” This statement captures the essence of an intimate relationship with the Lord…God has designed us to know Him and walk with Him closely. Too often, however, we seek to fill that God-shaped vacuum with other things, pursuits, relationships, and pleasures. Thus, we must constantly…

Already Gone [DVD]By Ken Ham

A frightening trend has reached the church in America – nearly 2/3 of those 20-somethings who were raised in the church are already gone. The same spiritual epidemic which decimated the church in Europe has now reached America and is spreading rapidly. Many young people have little or no interest in spiritual things and, consequently, have abandoned the church. Such trends are…

Adopted for LifeBy Russell Moore

The church must be leading the way in adopting children! God tells us that pure and undefiled religion is to visit orphans in their distress (James 1:27). For this reason, the church must not relegate adopting children to state agencies or hope that “others” will do it, but must practice this very tangible expression of the Gospel. At MBC, we want to…

The Epic of Eden

The Epic of Eden. By Sandra L. Richter Have you ever found the Old Testament confusing? Or leaned more toward reading the New Testament because you thought it was more relevant to you as a Christian? Have you ever wished you could understand the Old Testament better, but didn’t know where to begin? The Epic of Eden is written just for that purpose:…

Gospel-Powered ParentingBy William Farley

Parenting is hard work! Raising children in the fear and admonition of the Lord requires consistency, strength, and much wisdom. Equally important to effective parenting is keeping the Gospel at the center of all child-rearing attitudes and activities. In short, it is the Gospel that shapes and transforms parenting by keeping the focus on Christ’s work on the cross not only as…