We exist to display God's glory, declare God's truth, delight in God's Son, and disciple God's people

Reflections on Christ’s Passion

An Easter Devotional by Dr. Todd Dykstra

Maranatha Bible Church

This week we approach the time when we as believers celebrate the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It is with great excitement, joy, and anticipation that we look forward to this opportunity to remember the sacrifice of Christ on our behalf.

To help us appreciate the gravity of what Christ did on the cross and His resurrection from the dead, we have put together this devotional booklet with seven sections to inform your mind, enflame your heart, and to help you prepare for our services this weekend. Each section addresses an aspect of Christ’s sacrifice for us that should deepen our appreciation for the work God has accomplished through Him on our behalf.

It is our prayer that these devotionals will fuel your hunger for the Word of God, increase your love for God in Christ, and prepare your heart for celebrating the death and resurrection of our Savior with the body of Maranatha Bible Church.

Day 1 – Monday- Redemption

Day 2 – Tuesday- Propitiation

Day 3 – Wednesday- Expiation

Day 4- Thursday- Reconciliation

Day 5 – Friday- Substitution

Day 6 – Saturday- Justification

Day 7 – Sunday- Resurrection

Pastor Todd Dykstra’s Pastor Posts