We exist to display God's glory, declare God's truth, delight in God's Son, and disciple God's people

Sermons on Isaiah

Isaiah’s Prediction Of The Resurrection

Isaiah 53 Resurrection Was Prophesied .         Luke 24:25-26, 45-46, 1 Corinthians 15:4, Isaiah 53 1.  The Predictions Of Christ’s Humiliation .        A.  His Astonishing Appearance – 52:13-15 .        B.  His Scornful Rejection – 53:1-3 .        C.  His Substitutionary Sacrifice – 53:4-6 .        D.  His Horrific Death –…

The Majesty of God: Our Source of Hope in Times of Trouble

Isaiah 40:12-26 What will get us through times like this is a right view of God HE IS ABLE!! The character and majesty of God that enables us to anchor our lives in Him1.  God Is Infinitely Greater Than Nature – VS. 232.  God Is Supremely Wiser Than Knowledge (omniscience – infinite knowledge) – vs. 12-14.          Job 38…

The Prophecy Of The Virgin Birth

Isaiah 7:1-16The coming Christ was prophesied in the Old Testament:  Genesis 3:15, Isaiah 9:67, Micah 5:21.  The Historic Setting Of The Virgin Birth Prophecy2.  The Specific Contents Of The Virgin Birth Prophecy .        Does the Hebrew word ‘almah’ specifically refer to a virgin?.     A.  The word almah always refers to a virgin in the Old Testament – .…

For Unto Us A Child Is Born – Part 2

Part 1 – I.  The Nature of the Ideal King – Vs. 6II.  The Attributes of the Ideal King – Vs. 6 Part 2 – The Attributes of the Ideal King – Con’t. 3. Eternal Father 4. Prince of Peace III. The Reign of the Ideal King – Vs. 7 Psalm 2, Daniel 2:44, Zachariah 14:9, Revelation 19:15, 20       …

Session 2 – Behold Your God

Isaiah 6 Justin McKitterick is pastor of Grace Community Church in Jacksonville, FL.  He is presenting our Fall Equipping The Saints Conference with a series on  “Standing Firm and Staying Faithful”.  This is part two of a three part series.  Part 1 is here. Part 3 is here. 1.  Be aware of the spiritual danger of covert attitudes – Holy, but .…