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Sermons on Matthew (Page 4)

The Eyes Of The Blind Will See!

Matthew 9:27-31 Jesus’s Power to Restore Physical & Spiritual Sight 1.  The Impassioned Plea For Mercy – Vs. 27 .            Davidic Covenant – Isaiah 9:6-7, 11:1; Ezekiel 34:23, 37:24; Amos 9:11 .            How will we know when this Kingdom arrives? –  Isaiah 29:18, 35:5 2.  The Undeniable Confirmation of Faith – Vs.…

Jesus – The Originator of a New And Better Way

Matthew 9:14-17 1.  The Probing Question About Christ’s Practice – Vs. 14 .           Acts 19:1-4, Matthew 11:18 .       Fasting: Private, Voluntary, Occasional, for a Spiritual Purpose (trials, hardship, difficulties, sin) .       Only 1 mention of  Jesus fasting: Matthew 4:2, but probably also Day of Atonement (Leviticus 23:26-28) 2.  The Insightful Clarification About Christ’s Presence…

Jesus! What a Friend For Sinners

Matthew 9:9-13 Jesus receives sinners and rejects the self-righteous 1 Timothy 1:15   The calling of Matthew to discipleship – Vs. 9 .      A tax collector – Matthew 5:46, Luke 18:11, 19:1-6   The flocking of sinners to Jesus – Vs. 10 .      In Matthew’s house – Mark 2:15, Luke 5:29   The aversion of the Pharisees to…

Jesus’ Authority Over Demons

Matthew 8:28-34 It was necessary for Christ to have authority over demons .        John 8:44, Ephesians 2:2-3, 1 John 1:8 1.  The Graveyard Encounter – Vs. 28 .             Mark 5:3, Luke 8:27 – Living in tombs 2.  The Demonic Confession – Vs. 29 – What demons know about Jesus .       A.  The…

The High Cost of Genuine Discipleship

Matthew 8:18-22 False Disciples: John 2:23-25, 6:66; Matthew 7:13-14,21-23, 10:32-39; Luke 9:23-26, 14:26-33 2 Sacrifices You Must Make to Follow Christ 1.  The Sacrifice of Cherished Comforts – Vss. 18-20 2.  The Sacrifice of Personal Relationships – Vss. 21-22 Implications: 1.  You must not put off following Christ 2.  You don’t get to set the terms of following Christ 3.  We need…

The Savior’s Sovereignty Over Sickness and Satan

Matthew 8:14-17 Characteristics of New Testament Miracles 1. They did not depend on the faith of the recipient 2. They were not performed for money or fame 3.  They were completely successful 4.  They were undeniable 5.  They were immediate and spontaneous 6.  They authenticated a true message and a new revelation .           1 Kings 17:23-24, Acts 2:22,…

Not A Tame Preacher: The Response to the Sermon on the Mount

Matthew 7:28-29 The Effect Of Christ’s Preaching – “Astonished” .        Matthew 13:54, 19:25, 22:33; Mark 1:22, 6:2, 11:18; Luke 4:31-32, John 7:46 The Nature Of Christ’s Preaching – Authority of words leads to authority of works Characteristics of Jesus’ Preaching 1.  The Clarity of His Preaching Was Authoritative .        Use of Illustrations – Matthew 5:13-14, 6:26-30,…

The Most Terrifying Verses in the Bible

Matthew 7:21-23 The reality of false followers:  Matthew 13:19-22, Mark 7:6, Titus 1:15, 1 John 2:19, John 6:66 Three Sobering Elements of Self-Deception1.  The Test That Diagnoses Self-Deception – Vs. 21.          “He who does the will of My Father”     “He who keeps My commandments”.                   Romans 10:9, Luke 6:46, Matthew…

Beware Of False Teachers!

Matthew 7:15-20 Satan has always sought to obliterate the truth – John 8:44, 2 Corinthians 11:14 False prophets have always been a problem for the people of God .       Jeremiah 6:13-14, 23:30-32; Matthew 24:11, 24; 2 Peter, Jude .      .      .      .      .       Who are you listening to? 1.  The…

Only Two Ways

Matthew 7:13-14 #1 – Two Paths .          A.  Wide Gate – Broad Path (Self-righteousness) .          B.  Small Gate – Narrow Path .          .          Matthew 5:3-12 #2 – Two Crowds .          A.  Many – Atheists, Moralists, Nominal .          B. …

The Golden Rule

Matthew 7:12 Two components of the Golden Rule that should motivate our love for others1.  The Exhortation of the Golden Rule.          Matthew 25:35-392.  The Motivation of the Golden Rule.          Leviticus 19:18, Matthew 19:16-19, 22:34-36;  Romans 13:8-10, Galatians 5:14 You can not – and will not – do it in your own strength It has…

Ask, Seek, Knock: Praying With Persistence

Matthew 7:7-11 Why Don’t We Pray? .    1.  We don’t know how .    2.  We don’t make it a priority .    3.  We fail to discipline ourselves .    4.  We don’t feel the need to pray .    5.  We don’t really think prayer ‘works’  The Pattern of Persistent Prayer – Vs. 7 .    Ask – Seek…