Paul’s Passionate Prayer for People June 14, 2015 Kurt Bekins Love, Prayer 1 Thessalonians Scripture: I Thessalonians 3:6-13
Walking in the Truth: Promote the Truth August 10, 2014 Kurt Bekins Gospel Centered Living, Imitators of God, Integrity, Love, Righteousness, The Worthy Walk, Transformed Living, Wisdom 3 John Scripture: 3 John
Walking in the Truth August 3, 2014 Kurt Bekins Gospel Centered Living, Integrity, Love, Wisdom 2 John Scripture: 2 John
The Unbelief of Anxiety July 7, 2013 Kurt Bekins Anxiety, Counseling, Cure for the Troubled Soul, Faith, Praise, Prayer, Unbelief, Wisdom Matthew Scripture: Matthew 6:25-34
Where Do We Find Wisdom in Times of Trial? July 22, 2012 Kurt Bekins Perseverance, Suffering and Trials, Wisdom James Scripture: James 1:1-8
Presenting Everyone as Mature in Christ August 15, 2010 Kurt Bekins Discipleship, Electing and Redeeming Grace, Gospel Centered Living, Grace, Jesus, Prayer, Righteousness, Sovereignty, The Gospel, Transformed Living, Wisdom Colossians Scripture: Colossians 1:24-29