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Sermons on Kingdom Living (Page 2)

Warnings Against Hypocrisy

Matthew 6:1 The Dangerous Pattern of Hypocrisy in Scripture.       Cain – Genesis 4:3-5.       Israel – Isaiah 1:10-15, 29:13; Amos 5:21-23, Matthew 7:15.       Judas – Matthew 26:48.       Parables – Matthew 13:21-22, 24-30.       Ananias and Sapphira – Acts 5:1-9 – Hypocrisy is self-love.       Simon – Acts 8:18-23.       1 Timothy 4:1-2,…

The Radical Righteousness of the Kingdom – Part 3

Matthew 5:17-20 First Week – Part 1. I.  The Prophetic Fulfillment of Christ’s Ministry – Vs. 17Last Week – Part 2.II.  The Unbreakable Certainty of God’s WordIII.  The Required Faithfulness of Biblical Teachers This Week – Part 3IV.  The Kingdom Demand For Higher Righteousness – Vs. 20.          Not a ‘higher’ righteousness – a different righteousness – internal heart…

Blessed Are Those Who Have Been Persecuted – Part 2

Matthew 5:10-12 Why Persecution Is Good: 1.  It Purifies The Church 2.  It Extends The Church – Acts 8:1 3.  It Sanctifies Believers 4.  It Identifies Us As Children of God – John 13:16-20 Last Week: .   I. The Biblical Nature of Persecution This Week: .   II.  The Rich Blessing of Persecution – Vs. 11 .  .  .  .   Persecution is evidence…

Blessed Are The Peacemakers

Matthew 5:9  The Importance of Being a Peacemaker.       It DOES NOT mean: a ‘peaceful’ person, a ‘tolerant’ person, A ‘peace at any price’ appeaser.             This leads to a false peace – Jeremiah 6:14, Ezekiel 13:10-11.       It does mean:  .              True peacemakers are not afraid  to make waves…

The Beatitudes: The Meaning Of True Happiness

Matthew 5:3-12 Blessed – A state of being approved of by God1 Timothy 1:11, 6:15 Being ‘blessed’ is a common theme throughout the Bible.         Psalm 1, Numbers 6:24-26, 1 Peter 3:14, 4:14; Revelation 1:3Being blessed is not the same as being ‘happy’ – Ephesians 4:22 (Lusts of deceit) Implications:1.  The Beatitudes Are True of All Believers.  .     …

The Sermon On The Mount: A Discourse In True Discipleship

Matthew 5-7 The first of 5 discourses A.  Matthew 5-7: A Discourse In True Discipleship B.  Matthew 10:  The Commissioning and Sending of the Disciples C.  Matthew 13:  The Parables of the Kingdom D.  Matthew 18:  What Life Under the King Looks Like E.  Matthew 24:  The Olivet Discourse The Sermon on the Mount 1.  Its Historicity .       A.  Traditions…