What Christ’s Resurrection Purchased for Us April 4, 2010 Todd Dykstra Jesus, Resurrection, Worship 1 Peter Scripture: 1 Peter 1:3-4 Easter Special Music: Special Music 1 Special Music 2 Special Music 3 Special Music 4 Special Music 5 Special Music 6
Three Responses to the Raising of Lazarus April 26, 2009 Todd Dykstra Grace, Hate, Jesus, Resurrection, Wisdom John Scripture: John 11:45-57
The Raising of Lazarus April 19, 2009 Todd Dykstra Grace, Jesus, Prayer, Resurrection, Wisdom John Scripture: John 11:28-46
Jesus, the Resurrection and the Life April 12, 2009 Todd Dykstra Electing and Redeeming Grace, Jesus, Resurrection John Scripture: John 11:17-27
The Glorious Reality of the Resurrection March 23, 2008 Todd Dykstra Gospel Centered Living, Grace, Redemption, Resurrection, The Gospel 1 Corinthians Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:20-23
Two Resurrections March 4, 2007 Todd Dykstra Faith, God's Design, Jesus, Resurrection, Sovereignty, Unbelief John Scripture: John 5:25-29