We exist to display God's glory, declare God's truth, delight in God's Son, and disciple God's people

A Centurion’s Desperate Appeal to the Savior’s Authority

Matthew 8:5-13

The Purpose of Miracles
.         1.  To inaugurate new eras of revelation
.         2.  To authenticate the messenger
.         3.  To compel and reveal true faith

True Faith Always Has God As Its Object
.         1.  The Desperate Request – Vss. 5-6
.        .         Luke 7:5 – Loved by the Jews
.         2.  The Extraordinary Faith – Vss. 7-9
.         3.  The Astonished Savior – Vs. 10 – The only place where He ‘marveled’ at someone’s belief
.        .         He marveled at unbelief – Mark 6:6
.        .         The people marveled at Jesus – Matthew 8:27, 9:33
.         4.  The Miraculous Healing – Vs. 13