Matthew 20:17-19
The Cross is the Essence of Christianity
1 Corinthians 2:2, 15:3-4
Two Elements of Christ’s Prediction of His Passion
1. A Clear Prediction of His Violent Death – Vs 18-19a
. – Acts 2:22 – Predetermined plan and foreknowledge of God
. . Genesis 3:15, Psalm 22:1, Zechariah 12:10, Isaiah 53:3-10
. – Son of Man – 80 times in the gospels, 29 times in Matthew
. . Messianic title – Daniel 7:13-14
. The Jews were looking for a ruler who would rule and reign – not a Messiah
. who would reconcile them to God. – Acts 1:6
. – His ministry (death, burial, resurrection) would be the focus of their message
. Matthew 16:21 (die), Matthew 17:22 (betrayed), Matthew 20:18-19 (manner)
. – The source of His suffering – Judas, scribes and chief priests
. A sham trial – Matthew 26:57, 59-68
. – The result of His suffering – Condemned to death – Psalm 22:1
. – The extent of His suffering
2. A Clear Prediction of His Glorious Resurrection – Vs. 19b