We exist to display God's glory, declare God's truth, delight in God's Son, and disciple God's people

A Strong Commitment To Biblical Leadership

1 Peter 5:1-3

The Biblical norm for church leadership is:
a plurality of God-ordained elders
who meet the character qualifications
who lovingly shepherd God’s people
by faithfully teaching the Word
and caring for their souls.

Four Expectations For The Elders Who Lead The Church
1.  Men Who Work As A Team – Vs. 1
.              Acts 11:30, 14:23, 20:17, 28; Philippians 1:1, 1 Timothy 5:17, Titus 1:5, James 5:14
.         Benefits: Lighten the workload
.        .        .        Provides accountability
.        .        .        Ensures and expression of each man’s giftedness
.        .        .        Ensures greater clarity on knowing the will of God
.        .        .              Philippians 2:2, 1 Corinthians 1:10, Ephesians 4:3
2.  Men Who Are Accessible – Vv. 1-2
.         *  ‘among you’ – 1 Thessalonians 2:5-12
3.  Men Who Shepherd – Vs. 2a
.         God’s flock  – Acts 20:29-31
.              Lead, protect, guard, feed, seek, heal  comfort
.         The sheep’s responsibility – Hebrews 3:17
4.  Men Who Model Maturity – Vv. 2-3
.         A.  Not for pressure
.         B.  Not for possessions
.         C.  Not for power
.         D.  Proving to be examples