Luke 1:15 – John the Baptist filled with the Holy Spirit in his mother’s womb. Is this the same as the “indwelling of the Spirit” in Acts?
. OT – temporarily filled for specific tasks
. NT – permanent as function of believer in Christ
Did God create evil? No
. God’s attributes: Psalm 34:8, 119:68, 1 John 1:5, James 1:17, Genesis 1:38 – ‘it was good”
. Satan is responsible for sin – John 8:44, Romans 5:12, James 1:13-14
. Did God ordain evil to accomplish His divine plan? Genesis 50:20, Acts 2:23, Romans 8:28
. What gives God the most glory? There are attributes of God that we would never see if there was
. . no sin to display them
Remarriage after an unbiblical divorce – attend the wedding/be friends?
. Don’t make judgments without knowledge
. . if truly unbiblical – No – do not attend wedding and sanction adultery – 2 Thessalonians 3:14-15
. Afterward, if friends – show them the sin and call them to repentance
If a teacher you’ve valued falls into sin – do we continue to use the benefits of their ministry/books?
. If the sin is deviating from the gospel – No
. . 2 Timothy 3:4-5, 1 Corinthians 3 (‘so-called brothers’), Philippians 1:15-18
. If the sin is a personal, moral issue but the teaching is still sound – It is a conscience issue.
. “The power is not the man presenting, but the power is in the truth presented”
What happened in 2024 that is encouraging to the elders?
. Godly parents raising kids – Growth in theology and teaching at MBC
. Willing service by members
. Desire for spiritual growth
. Growth in organic discipleship & increase in church membership – Growth in elder team – New
. . opportunity at Cedar Creek
. Body life ministry – Growth to over 200 young people
. Friendliness of congregation – personal gospel – small groups
. Ephesians 4 ministry taking place
Do the commands given to Adam & Eve apply today?
. Yes – we are to be God’s representatives on earth (good stewards) – Psalm 8:6
. Not necessarily – NT caveats: Matthew 19:11-12, 1 Corinthians 7:34
The favorite dead guy you read?
. Paul, especially his prayers/Jonathan Edwards (resolutions)
. Jonathan Edwards – Religious Affections
. Francis Schaeffer – How Should We Then Live?
. J. C. Ryle – Holiness
. Warren Wiersbe’s commentaries
. John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress
. Anything by J. C. Ryle
. Richard Sibbes – The Bruised Reed/Anything by Spurgeon
. R. C. Sproul
How does God blessing men who led bad lives (Moses, David, Paul) give us direction to live?
. Grace held in tension between antinomianism and legalism
. A true believer won’t want to violate their relationship with the Father
. There was only 1 perfect man – Christ. Our flaws emphasize our need for Christ – 2 Timothy 2:13
. God disciplines in ways specific to each believer
Biblical typology
. A type is a person/event/thing in the OT that symbolizes or foreshadows something in the NT,
. . usually Christ or salvation.
. Not everything is a ‘type’ – If it is truly a ‘type’ the NT will tell us it is.
. They are meant to drive us to Christ.
Will there be food in heaven? Yes
. God created food to be eaten in the garden of Eden
. Christ said He would not eat again of the bread/wine until it is eaten in heaven – Mark 14:25
. In His glorified body (heavenly) He ate fish with the disciples – Luke 24:42
. There will be fruit trees – Revelation 22:1-3
Elder with ongoing, unresolved issues with adult children and does not display the character qualities of 1 Timothy 3 & Titus 1
. Once the child is out of the home, that child is responsible for their own actions
. If you feel there are other character issues, address them with the elder or find another church.