We exist to display God's glory, declare God's truth, delight in God's Son, and disciple God's people

Sermons (Page 12)

The Regenerating and Sanctifying Power of the Resurrection

Romans 6:1-14Implications of the Resurrection.   It witnesses to the immeasurable power of God.   It proves that Christ is the Son of God – Romans 1:4.   It proves His sinless nature and divine character.   It validates all the Old Testament prophesies.   It confirms that God accepted Christ’s work at Calvary – Romans 4:25.   It gives substance to our faith – 1 Corinthians 15:14. …

Your Purpose Driven Salvation

Ephesians 2:8-10 Three Truths of Our Salvation That Display and Motivate Our Service1.  The Ultimate Author Of Your Salvation – Vs. 8a2.  The Unsurpassable Origin of Your Salvation – Vs. 8b-9.           3 Aspects of Biblical Faith (Knowledge).                Knowledge of in Whom it is  we have placed our faith       …

The Disciples’ Prayer – Part 6

Matthew 6:9-15 Part 1 – IntroductionPart 2 – Hallowed Be Your NamePart 3 – Your Kingdom ComePart 4 – Your Will be DonePart 5 – Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread Petition #5 – Forgive Us Our Debts – Vs. 12.         A.  It Helps Us Maintain Fellowship With the Father.        .         …