We exist to display God's glory, declare God's truth, delight in God's Son, and disciple God's people

Sermons (Page 15)

Mission Conference: The Purpose of the Church in Missions

Matthew 28:18-20 The Gospel is about churches planted, not just about converts won .     1.  For new converts to identify with Him through baptism – Acts 2:41 .     2.  Teaching them to follow Him and live in obedience to His commands – 2 Corinthians 5 Matthew 16:15-20, 27  Suffering then death – Luke 24 Acts 11:19,26, 13:1-3, 14:21-23, 20:28, 14:6…

Mission Conference: The Need for Missions

Romans15:7-29Gentile Missions.     1.  Confirm the promises to the fathers.     2.  For the Gentiles to glorify the Father God has established a Judge and a Savior for all the nations.     2 Corinthians 4:15   It’s not about the numbers, it’s about going where people don’t know about Christ.           ‘Unreached’ is over half of the world’s population

You Are The Salt Of The Earth

Matthew 5:13 Three Ways of Dealing with a Devolving Culture1.  Isolation     2.  Identification    3. Involved/Influencing/Impacting  I.  Believers Must Impact The Godless World With a Penetrating Influence.          2 Timothy 3:13, 1-5.          .     Characteristics of Salt .          .          Flavor – Colossians 4:6.         …

Blessed Are Those Who Have Been Persecuted – Part 2

Matthew 5:10-12 Why Persecution Is Good: 1.  It Purifies The Church 2.  It Extends The Church – Acts 8:1 3.  It Sanctifies Believers 4.  It Identifies Us As Children of God – John 13:16-20 Last Week: .   I. The Biblical Nature of Persecution This Week: .   II.  The Rich Blessing of Persecution – Vs. 11 .  .  .  .   Persecution is evidence…

Blessed Are The Peacemakers

Matthew 5:9  The Importance of Being a Peacemaker.       It DOES NOT mean: a ‘peaceful’ person, a ‘tolerant’ person, A ‘peace at any price’ appeaser.             This leads to a false peace – Jeremiah 6:14, Ezekiel 13:10-11.       It does mean:  .              True peacemakers are not afraid  to make waves…

TES Sunday: The Principal Priorities of a Godly Leader

1 Timothy 4:16Limitations of the Institutional Model1.  Can’t gauge the man’s calling2.  Can’t confirm his giftedness3.  Can’t confirm his character4.  Can’t fully train pastors to do the work of pastoral ministry.         Matthew 16:18, 28:18-19, 2 Timothy 2:2 1.  Character – Pay close attention to your life.         Matthew 4:7, 12; 2:3, 2 Timothy 2:2.       …