We exist to display God's glory, declare God's truth, delight in God's Son, and disciple God's people

Sermons (Page 2)

Preparation for Passion

Matthew 16:21-23 Jesus Died For Sinners1 Corinthians 2;2, 15:3-4   I. The Prediction of Christ’s Atoning Work – Vs. 21.                 Matthew 4:17.          His attention turns to teaching the disciples.               A.  The Necessity of His suffering.                .     …

The Greatest Confession

Matthew 16:13-17 Three points that help us clearly uncover Christ’s true identity so that we can come to the right conclusion about who He is. 1. The Probing Question and The Wrong Answers – Vs. 13-14 .           Herod: John The Baptist – Matthew 14:1 .           Others: Elijah – Malachi 4:5-6 .       …

The Resurrection: A Demonstration Of God’s Power Toward Believers

Ephesians 1:18-23 How we think is how we live God has not intended us to live on our emotions, but on TRUTH 1.  Past – Hope of our calling 2.  Future – Inheritance 3.  Present – The greatness of His  power Three Demonstrations of God’s Power Toward Believers 1.  The Resurrection of Christ Demonstrates God’s Power Toward Believers – Vs. 20a . …

Warnings To Heed

Matthew 16:1-12 Warnings are for our good – Romans 15:14,  Colossians 1:28, Ephesians 5:19, Acts 20:28-31 Two Warnings For Us To Heed – Vs. 6, 11, 12 1.  A Warning Against Sign-seeking .            Pharisees – legalists .            Sadducees – liberals, political, denied all supernatural events .       They were united in…

The Miraculous Feeding of the 4,000

Matthew 15:29-39 The miracles are irrefutable proof that Christ is the Messiah.  All of His miracles meet a human need. .        John 10:25 Two Points That Highlight Christ’s Incredible Compassion For Gentiles .   1.  Christ’s Compassion Displayed To Gentiles In Supernatural Healings – Vs. 29-31 .        .        Mark 7:31, Matthew 8:28-34 .   2.  Christ’s…