We exist to display God's glory, declare God's truth, delight in God's Son, and disciple God's people

Sermons (Page 28)

Saved to Be Holy – Part 2

Romans 12:2 Real Christianity is Radical Christianity Radical Christianity is Normal Christianity 4 Christian Commitments – First two commitments were explained in Part 1 .          1.  A Commitment to Being a Holy Sacrificer .          .          Your body reflect on the outside what you are on the inside – Romans 6:12-19 .          2.  A Commitment to Being a Devoted Worshipper Today’s message: .         …

A Sanctified Attitude Toward Money

Matthew 6:19-24 Christ taught more about money than about heaven and hell combined. Nothing is a more accurate indicator of a person’s spiritual condition than their attitude toward money..  You need to save the right treasure – Vs. 19 – The location of your treasure will determine its long term value.  Does your heart reflect kingdom priorities? .   Earthly – negative    1…

Confronting Marital Abuse: Implications From The Sanctifying Influence of Marriage

Selected Scriptures Marital problems are not marriage problems, but character problems  What is marital abuse?  Affliction   Exodus 3:9,  Genesis 16:6, Joseph, God cares for the afflicted. Psalm 9:9, 12, 10:17-18, 12:5, 103:6, 146:7 God is opposed to oppression and affliction Psalm 11:5, Matthew 5:21-22 Why must marital abuse be confronted? It breaks the law in physical forms – Romans 13:4 It…

The Sanctifying Influence Of Marriage

Ephesians 4-5 A Christian marriage always involves two funerals – the death of the sinful attitudes and desires of the bride and groom Five things God wants to teach you through your marriage 1.  To slay your anger – 4:26-27 2.  To speak kindly – 4:29-30 3.  To practice forgiveness – 4:31-32 4.  To love like God – 5:1-2 5.  To walk…

A Sanctified Commitment To Purity

1 Thessalonians 4:3-8 Three Instructions 1.  Don’t even flirt with sexual immorality (vs. 3) .          Proverbs 7:6-23,  Matthew 5:27-30 2.  Do exercise regular self-control (vs. 4-5) .          Your body is given to you to accomplish God’s purposes, not to satisfy your desires 3.  Don’t take advantage of others (vs. 6a) Three reasons to avoid sexual immorality 1.  It invites God’s punishment (vs.…

Elder Q&A

Meet our elders here TOPICS COVERED IN TODAY’S SESSION: Resources for parenting high school & college age Eric Freeman – The Bible,  The World Tilting Gospel Todd Dykstra – Answers Magazine, Disciplines of Godly Young Men & Women, .       Blogs:  The Cripplegate, Tim Challies Michael Mouzakis – John MacArthur’s 3 year  program and books on Bible verses Joe Hamlin – Todd Friel…

You Have One Job!

Philippians 3:12-16 What does our perspective need to be to grow in likeness to Christ?  The Christian’s singular goal – vs. 12 A1.  You have not reached the goal – (12a) .  Paul pressed on to make it his own because Christ Jesus has made him His own   .       Not yet perfect is not an excuse, but a spur to greater…

A Sanctified View On Relationships

Colossians 3:11-14 We are saved to be in relationship with other believers  John 13:35 Our New Reality – vs. 11 No more barriers separating the believers in the church Galatians 3:28, Romans 10:12 Our Response – vs. 12-13 Put on the new man.  Act like it with the power you have!! Colossians 1:24 Two commands that are heavy and hard:    …

Why Not Love The World?

1 John 2:15-17 God, being Holy, changes the objects He loves We, being wicked, are changed by the objects we love Demas:  Colossians 4:14, Philemon 24,  2 Timothy 4:10 A sobering look at the kind of love God hates  Because of your condition in Christ;  the love of the Father has given us a new nature James 4:4, 7;  2 Corinthians 5:17, …

Faith vs. Feelings in Progressive Sanctification

Hebrews 11 Trust And Obey We walk by faith in the Son of God 2 Corinthians 5:7       1 Peter 1:5-6     Galatians 2:20 1.  We need to understand the faith that promotes our sanctification .          The solid belief in the promises of God.  Faith persists when feeling fade.  We must believe what .          God says more than what we see.     Isaiah 40:18        Matthew…

The Nature of Progressive Sanctification

Philippians 2:12-13 We are saved to be holy (Romans 12:1-2).  God’s work of mercy in our lives demands a response.  To be active in your Progressive Sanctification (Vs. 12) Because Christ obeyed the Father, we must obey as He did Hebrews 12:14       2 Corinthians 7:1 Is your relationship with Christ getting as much attention as your hobbies, friends, entertainment, work, etc.? Trust…

The Baptism of Jesus Christ

Matthew 3:13-17 BAPTISM IS THE DEFINING MARK OF CHRISTIAN IDENTITY The baptism of Christ was a fulfillment of all righteousness 1.  It marked the beginning of His public ministry 2.  It demonstrated Divine approval of Him as the Messiah the Old Testament predicted ,         Isaiah 11:1-2, 42:1, 61:1 3.  It identified Him with sinners ,         Isaiah 53:11-12               2 Corinthians 5:21 4.  It…

Saved To Be Holy! – Part 1

Romans 12:1 Three phases of sanctification –  Positional: Justification At the moment of salvation; freedom from the penalty of sin –  Spiritual Life Progressive: freedom from the power of sin –  Final: Glorification Freedom from the presence of sin Two commitments that drive a sanctified life –  A commitment to being a holy sacrifice Total devotion       1 Corinthians 6:15-20 –  A worshipful…

Why We Must Not Neglect The Old(er) Testament

Selected Scriptures  It was appealed to by the New Testament writers for their authority Paul quoted the Old Testament nearly 30 times in Romans 9-11 (1 in every 3 verses) Its use by the New Testament writers informs us how to properly interpret the Bible The Old Testament properly interpreted in its context “Just as it is written . . . ”            …

Theological Implications of Romans 9-11

Selected Scripture  A right understanding of Romans 9-11 requires a firm grasp of the biblical covenants   Abrahamic – Genesis 12                        Romans 9:4, 8, 11:5, 29   Davidic – 2 Samuel 7   New – Jeremiah 31, Ezekiel 36         Romans 11:26  A right understanding of Romans 9-11 demands a literal method of biblical interpretation   The truth of scripture is not hidden…