We exist to display God's glory, declare God's truth, delight in God's Son, and disciple God's people

The Centrality of the Church in God’s Program – Part 2

Matthew 16:18-20
Part 1 – Last Week
1.  The Promise To Found It
2.  The Promise To Build It

This week:
3.  The Promise Of Christ to Triumph It – Vs. 18c
.         Possibilities for what the church will face
.                A.  Attacks on the church by Satan himself
.                B.  Death will not stop the building of the church
.        .                     Isaiah 38:9-11, Job 38:17, Psalm 9:13, 107:18
.        .                The death of His people does not stop the church
.        .        .           “The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church” – Tertullian
4.  The Promise Of Christ to Authorize It – Vs. 19
.        Revelation 1:18, Matthew 28:18, John 20:21-23
.               ‘Binding’ or ‘loosing’ is on the basis of acceptance of Christ and the gospel
.                       Matthew 18:15-20 – Church discipline