Matthew 21:18-22
The most terrifying verse in the Bible – Matthew 7:21
. James 1:22, Luke 18:11-12, Matthew 13:20-22
I. The Curse Applied – Vss. 18-19
. The only destructive miracle of Jesus – A curse on dead religion
. Jeremiah 8:4-7, 11-13, Hosea 2:12, Micah 7:1, Luke 13:2-9
. Religious Profession without spiritual reality is an abon=mination to God
. Fruit is always the indication of genuine salvation
. The most destructive doctrine is that of ‘carnal Christian’ – there is a religion that damns
II. The Correction Offered – Vss. 20-22
. Matthew 17:20, Hebrews 3:7
1. God is not interested in your barren faithless unbelief
2. What honors God most is fearless faith in Him, His Son and His Word