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The Transfiguration: A Glimpse of Glory (Part 2)

Matthew 17:9-13
Part 1

1.  The Need For Silence – Vs9
.         NO one – emphatic – Matthew 8:4, 9:30, 12:16, 16:20
.         He did not come to deliver them from their enemies – He came to die
.                Mark 9:9-10 – they still do not understand
.                1 Corinthians 1:3-4 – to be able to offer comfort to others
2.  The Question About Elijah – Vv. 10-13
.                 Malachi 3:1, 4:5-6
.           The chronological problem – Elijah was to come first, the Messiah second
.           The theological problem – He says the Messiah has to die.  How does that happen?
.        .         Future: Elijah will come (Revelation 11:3) before Messiah’s second coming
.        .         Present:  John the Baptist was an Elijah type who already came and introduced Messiah
.        .        .        .        .         Matthew 11:14, John 1:21, Luke 1:17
.                  Christ is also going to suffer (V12) – John 12:16