We exist to display God's glory, declare God's truth, delight in God's Son, and disciple God's people

Unpacking Forgiveness – Part 2

Last Week – Part 1
1. The Question About Forgiveness Raised
2. The Answer About Forgiveness Given

Matthew 18:21-35

3.  The Illustration About Forgiveness Provided – Vv. 23-30
.           Scene 1 – Vv. 23-27
.                Rich king, very indebted slave
.           Scene 2 – Vv. 28-30
.                A monstrous inconsistency
.           Scene 3 – Vv. 31-35
.               “You wicked slave” – Unforgiveness is wickedness
.                  Horizontal forgiveness springs from vertical forgiveness
.                          Matthew 6:14-15

Is Forgiveness Unconditional or Conditional Upon Repentance
.        Problems with unconditional forgiveness:
                It’s not how God forgives; God demands repentance before He pardons – Luke 17:3, 1 John 1:9
.               It fails to hold the sinner accountable – Ephesians 4, Colossians 3
.               It is done for the sake of the offended, not the offender (Therapeutic forgiveness) – James 5:16
.               It makes church discipline irrelevant